by on March 31, 2020
gum graft vs. wisdom tooth removal--which hurts more?  

answers 0: I probably need both, but know little about the gum graft. Do most insurance companies (which cover dental care) cover gum grafts? How long/intense is the healing process? 10 pts for best answer! answers 1: I have removed one of my Wisdom Teeth one month ago, half of the tooth was under the gum, so it was more like a surgical removal ... anyway, after the removal, it would hurt if anything touches that area .. even if liquid ... I tried to keep everything away from that area .... now it's back to normal ... answers 2: Without more information about the size of the area to be grafted, it is hard to say which would be less painful.Most insurance companies have a yearly maximum for major dental procedures. As long as you have not exceeded that max you should be covered. The healing process for an extraction is approx 1 week, but can vary depending on what type of extraction is done. If the tooth is just pulled with no complications, a week is average. If the root tips break or are calcified to the bone, the procedure becomes more invasive and healing of course will take longer. If an oral surgeon removes the tooth, the healing can be very quick if stitches are placed.The grafting process sounds pretty daunting, they call it oral surgery and that can sound scary. The truth is, grafting is relatively simple procedure done by specially trained doctors. The healing from grafting again varies depending on the size of the graft, but on average is about a week. Discomfort from grafting is generally less than that from an extraction, but again, the type of extraction and its complications if any and the size and location of the graft are all factors that can change the healing time and the amount of discomfort.Consult your dentist and ask all of your questions. Express all of your concerns and never consent to a procedure you don't fully understand. The office staff will be able to find out if your insurance covers the procedures and if you have enough benefit to pay for it. Sometimes, procedures that are costly can be done in stages and scheduled close the the end of a benefit year and into the beginning of the next to have the benefit cover the expense.... answers 3: I agree with sugar cookie, you need to dsicuss this matter with ur dentist/oral surgeon

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